AI Consulting Services

We’re here to help you reach your goals faster and secure lasting growth through our expert AI consulting services. Let’s harness the power of AI together for your strategic success.

A small powerful AI robot on a chip

Our AI Consulting Services

Being an AI software development company, we’re all about helping businesses like yours create personalized digital transformation strategies. We take the time to understand your specific business goals, data, and challenges. From there, we roll up our sleeves and build a custom AI solution that’s just right for you.

Data Preparation

At our core, we perform thorough data audits and verifications to ensure your data is rock-solid in terms of integrity and quality. Our service covers the entire data journey, from precise data collection to meticulous cleaning and rigorous validation.


ML Model Development

With our AI ML development services, we’ve got the whole journey covered. From training machine learning models that fit right into your enterprise AI solutions, to tasks like data labeling, clustering, and segmentation. Its AI made it easy with us.


Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Setup

Our expertise lies in creating private and hybrid environments to deploy and run your in-house AI systems. This includes setting up ML training hubs, managing big data storage, and handling AI data pipeline management with ease.


Use Case Identification and Assessment

Our AI consultants dive deep into your organization’s unique landscape, industry trends, and data assets to uncover hidden opportunities where AI can make a game-changing difference.


AI Software Development

Our end-to-end AI software development service is your one-stop solution. We take care of everything from UX/UI design to model integration, crafting a seamless and effective process customized to your requirements.


Domain-specific Model Development

We take a deep dive into your specific domain, getting to know the ins and outs that define your industry landscape. After rigorous testing and validation, we make sure the model aligns perfectly with your business needs, leaving no room for compromise.


Our AI as a Service (AIaaS) Offerings

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Bots and Digital Assistants

Let’s talk chatbots. Ours are pretty smart – they use fancy NLP algorithms to learn from human conversations and chat just like us. The result? Your customer service team gets a breather from routine queries and can focus on the more complex stuff.

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Machine Learning (ML) Frameworks

While machine learning often gets paired with big data, these frameworks open up exciting possibilities beyond the big data realm. They allow developers to incorporate machine learning tasks into their projects without the need for a full-fledged big data environment.

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Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

APIs are like a chat between services. They’re a nifty tool that lets developers seamlessly plug a particular technology or service into their applications, all without the hassle of starting from square one.

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No-Code or Low-Code ML Services

Fully managed machine learning services are the hassle-free way to go. They offer all the goodies you get from machine learning frameworks, but with a twist: you don’t have to be a coding wizard to make AI magic happen.

AI as a Service (AIaaS) Providers

Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud computing service, has been at the forefront of integrating AI solutions into its platform. Some of its notable AI offerings include:

Azure Bot Service:

This service empowers developers to create, test, and deploy conversational AI bots. These bots can be seamlessly integrated into websites, applications, and popular communication channels such as Facebook Messenger and Slack, enhancing user engagement.

Azure Cognitive Search:

This fully managed search service leverages AI to deliver more relevant search results, ensuring a seamless content discovery experience for users.

Azure Cognitive Services:

This suite encompasses a wide range of services, including vision, speech, and language processing. For example, the ‘Face API’ can detect and recognize human faces in images, while the ‘Text Analytics API’ can analyze sentiment, extract key phrases, and more.

Azure Machine Learning:

This comprehensive service streamlines the process of building, training, and deploying machine learning models. It also supports open-source technologies, providing flexibility and efficiency.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dominant player in cloud computing, and its AI offerings are no exception. Some noteworthy services include:


An essential component of Amazon’s AI suite, Lex powers the renowned Alexa. It enables the creation of conversational interfaces in applications using both voice and text.


This fully managed service empowers developers to build, train, and deploy machine learning models. Its standout feature is its user-friendliness, allowing developers to start with pre-existing models instead of building from scratch.


Polly transforms text into lifelike speech, enabling developers to create applications with natural-sounding voice. It supports multiple languages and offers a wide variety of lifelike voices.


This service analyzes images and videos, detecting objects, scenes, and faces. It can also identify inappropriate content and even recognize celebrities.

Google Cloud is renowned for its innovative solutions, and its AI services reflect its commitment to leading the AI revolution. Notable offerings include:

AI Platform:

His comprehensive platform is designed for building, deploying, and managing AI projects. It supports custom model development and provides pre-trained models for immediate use.

AI Hub:

Serving as a central repository for AI components, the AI Hub encourages collaboration by enabling teams to store, discover, and reuse pipelines and models.

AI Conversation:

This service specializes in building interactive conversational agents, whether they are chatbots or voice-based applications. AI Conversation ensures natural and engaging interactions.

AI Language:

Designed to process extensive amounts of text, this service can analyze, classify, and translate content. It’s particularly valuable for applications heavily reliant on text data.

These cloud providers offer a rich array of AI tools and services, empowering businesses to harness the potential of artificial intelligence across various applications and industries.

Our AI Development Work Across Industries

Samarpan Infotech takes great pride in providing tailored AI solutions that have made a significant impact across a diverse array of industries. Our commitment to delivering customized AI solutions for each sector has yielded transformative results.

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Artly manage claims, provide top-notch user interactions through AI chatbots, and offer customer-centric services with machine learning and data science in the insurance sector.

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For retail businesses, we’re your go-to AI experts. We can help you predict customer behavior, streamline in-store processes, and deliver personalized recommendations.

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When it comes to manufacturing, AI is your ace for optimizing operations, predicting equipment issues, and maintaining top-notch product quality.

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Implementing AI in healthcare ensures accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment, predictive analysis, and recommendations based on patient data.

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Looking to tackle fraudulent activities, budget smarter, and streamline your operations? Our AI consulting services are here to help you harness the power of AI in the banking sector.

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Marketing and Sales

We’ve got your back in the world of marketing and sales. We can assist you in creating impactful campaigns, predicting marketing outcomes, and charting your path to growth with AI.

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In the automotive sector, AI is the driving force behind self-driving technology, efficient traffic management, and predictive maintenance, all of which enhance efficiency and cut costs.

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Supply Chain and Logistics

Our consulting services optimize the use of AI in supply chain and logistics. This means accurate demand forecasting, task automation, and an enhanced customer experience.

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In the hospitality industry, AI elevates customer support with chatbots, personalizes experiences, optimizes pricing, ensures transaction security, and boosts guest satisfaction.

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Real Estate

AI transforms real estate by boosting agent efficiency, automating document handling, predicting market trends, and providing round-the-clock chatbot support for property management.

Why Choose Samarpan Infotech for AI Consulting Services?

  • Comprehensive Solutions: We’re not just an AI developer company; we’re your one-stop-shop for end-to-end AI development solutions.
  • Agile and Adaptive: We bring an agile approach to the table, ensuring that we adapt and evolve as your needs change.
  • Efficiency Boost: We’re all about automating those repetitive tasks, so you can focus on what truly matters with our AI development solutions.
  • Seasoned Experts: Our team is stacked with experienced professionals in AI who bring their A-game to the table.
  • Top Talent: When it comes to AI developers with specialized skills, we’ve got the cream of the crop.
  • Proven Excellence: Our track record speaks volumes – we have a history of delivering results and ensuring client satisfaction in AI professional services.

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Our Approach to AI consulting

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Understanding Your Needs (Assessment Phase)

First things first, our team of Artificial Intelligence consultants dives deep into your organization’s current status and needs. This phase sets the groundwork for a successful AI strategy.

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Crafting Your AI Roadmap (Strategy Development)

We don’t stop at just understanding; we craft a clear and actionable AI strategy tailored to your specific needs. This roadmap covers crucial aspects such as cost, time frame, security, and privacy.

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The Data Foundation (Data Collection and Preparation)

Quality data is the bedrock of AI success. That’s why we roll up our sleeves, collect your data, and ensure it’s primed and ready for the model training process.

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Building Your AI Solution (Custom Model Development)

With your data in hand, we create a custom AI model, meticulously fine-tuned to match your unique business requirements. This is where the real magic happens.

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Bringing It to Life (Model Integration/Solution Development)

Our expertise goes beyond model development. We take that finely-tuned model and craft practical solutions like chatbots or recommendation systems, designed to enhance your day-to-day workflows.

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Seamless Integration (Integration Into Workflows)

We don’t believe in creating standalone solutions. Instead, we seamlessly integrate your AI solutions into your existing infrastructure. In simple terms; it has made AI adoption easy.

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Continuous Support (Monitoring and Maintenance)

AI isn’t a one-time gig. We provide continuous oversight and maintenance to ensure your AI solution remains effective over time and adapts to changes.

Tools and Frameworks for AI Solutions

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Python is the go-to programming language for AI due to its extensive libraries and frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn, which simplify AI development.

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R is popular in statistical and data analysis and offers machine learning packages such as caret and randomForest.

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Java is used for AI applications that require performance and scalability. Libraries like Deeplearning4j and Weka are commonly employed.

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C++ is chosen for AI tasks where low-level memory management and high performance are crucial. It’s well-suited for computer vision using libraries like OpenCV.

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SQL Databases:

To programming language for AI due to its extensive libraries and frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn, which simplify AI development.

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NoSQL Databases:

NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, and Redis are the choice for handling unstructured or semi-structured data, common in AI tasks like natural language processing (NLP) and big data analysis.

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Graph Databases:

Graph databases like Neo4j are ideal for AI applications with complex data relationships, such as social network analysis and recommendation systems.

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In-Memory Databases:

In-memory databases like Redis and Apache Ignite are useful when low-latency data access is critical, particularly in real-time AI applications.

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Developed by Google, TensorFlow is a widely-used open-source framework for
creating and deploying machine learning models.

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Developed by Facebook’s AI Research lab, PyTorch is renowned for its flexibility and
dynamic computation graph, making it a top choice among researchers.

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This Python library is excellent for traditional machine learning algorithms
and offers a user-friendly interface for model development and evaluation.

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Often used in conjunction with TensorFlow, Keras provides a high-level API for
building neural networks and deep learning models.

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Caffe excels in deep learning, especially in computer vision tasks, and is known for
its performance and modularity.

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MXNet is recognized for its scalability and support for both symbolic and imperative

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SpaCy, a popular Python library, is a go-to choice for NLP tasks. It provides
pre-trained models and efficient text processing.

Want To Know More (FAQS)
  • What is AI consulting, and why do you need it?
  • What domains within data science, AI, and machine learning are covered by your team of experts?
  • What steps should be taken to get ready for AI implementation?
  • Do you have a dedicated team for AI consulting project?
  • What does an AI consultant do?

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